Transferred Risk – How to share a risk reduction measure with another company

This is a feature we are currently developing and which will be released in the near future.

The interface of the sharing entity:

The interface of the receiving entity:

Project connections

In order to make the above work, the two companies first have to connect their projects. This is a one-time process done by members of the appropriate access level (Project Admin or Company Admin).

A possible scenario for adding a connection:

  1. Company A, Project Admin opens the project he wants to connect and then goes to the Project Connections page.
  2. Company A, Project Admin sends a project connection request to the email address of Company B Project Admin by clicking on the New Connection button.
  3. Company B, Project Admin receives a standardized email and/or notification in ADVANTIS about the pending request.
  4. Company B, Project Admin then selects the project he wants to establish the connection with.

    – Company A project can have connections to more than one project.
    – Company A to select if Company B has read access to the solutions.

A possible scenario for deleting a connection:

  1. In company A or B, Project Admin opens the project he wants to disconnect and then goes to the Project Connections page.
  2. Company A or B, Project Admin to click on the Connected switch.

After two projects have been disconnected, “remote risk” is frozen and no longer updated.

P/S: Since it is still in development, there will probably be many changes. Please stay up-to-date with the latest changes from us!

Best regards,

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